July 5 2023
Okay, so maybe I don't have any ideas for a new article at the moment. Might as well update the blog part at least to prove I'm not dead. Been distracted as of late, entirely self inflicted distractions. Got a used iMac G3 at a garage sale and it actually booted! Screen flickers though, so I'll have to open it up and fix that, but hey, it works! Been playing Minecraft Alpha recently, may or may not write an article about that, I'd have to come up with like, a way to turn my feelings into words though about WHY I'm playing this dinosaur version of the game. Probably has something to do with my feelings I have about Animal Crossing though, I wasn't a big fan of the newer ones and have been pondering starting up a town on my Gamecube instead. I've also been replaying Pokemon Sapphire cause I found out there is a way to guarantee shiny Pokemon, so obviously I needed to get a pink Mudkip. As for things that aren't game related, I met up with a friend for the first time since Christmas. We had a bit of a falling out but now we're kinda past that now so it was okay to meet up again. Finally got my car to a functioning state again, not that I have anywhere to go at the moment. I considered using Bumble's BFF mode to find people in my area I could hang out with, but it not supporting non-binary identities properly made me pause on that. If you say you identify as non-binary it asks you if you want to be in the male or female section of the site which is like, not good. Probably doesn't help that I'm not fully confident in my image yet, I've yet to fully present the way I feel inside and am scared to commit. Oh well. Something I've been thinking about is how social media is kinda collapsing under it's own weight. I pondered if I should have some way for people who find this site to contact me, so I've decided to make an XMPP/Jabber account. So add me at N00ne@sure.im if you wanna chat about nerd stuff. I'll make a proper contact page later.

June 1 2023
Yeahhh, may have slacked off a bit with this site. In fairness, I went through a whole character arc while I was gone, and now I'm a drummer. Not sure if that's an improvement or a downgrade. Anyway, I'm now a finger drummer, which means I play the drums using these square velocity sensitive pads. It's been fun and it has allowed me to connect with my family more than I have in a long time. Playing the drums has affected my attitude to my other hobbies however. Like, I'm finding playing any games that require a lot of practice far less interesting now, cause my brain is like "you could be practicing drums instead" and I just guilt trip myself into not wanting to play games. I've also been caught up in a lot of random projects as of late, one of them being miniatures painting. I have been playing Battletech for a while now, and I decided to paint all of them because nothing is better than tiny versions of giant robots in your favorite colors (mine is blue). I also recently got in possession of an old iMac and will be doing my best to resurrect it from the grave. I might add pictures to these posts in the future, but ehhhh I'm lazy and the pictures are on my phone so like I don't wanna. I've also been working up the courage to express myself more in real life, something I've always struggled with. To that end, I've been losing weight, and I've finally crossed the under 300 pounds mark so I'm proud of that. No promises for what the next article is gonna be this time cause I probably would've updated more often if I wrote what I wanted when I wanted.
March 31 2023
Made some edits to the website, now the different pages will have their own title instead of all of them saying Home Page on them. I also decided to rename my review section to Articles so that I'm not locking myself into a particular type of content. Not to say I'm not going to do a review ever again, I just realized that like, most of the things I want to talk about doesn't really fall into the review formula of pros and cons.
In case you haven't guessed, yep I've changed my mind about my next article, it's not gonna be a review. I won't spoil what it is exactly, but I realized that if I were to write it as a review, most of it would just be going "This is bad, but...". It's a fascinating historical piece more than a fully playable game, and reviewing it with the same standards of a polished modern release would be disingenuous. Also, I'm not really gonna discuss the game "as intended." This will make more sense when I write it.
In other news, I've started taking more advanced web dev courses. Unfortunately, most of it is not going to apply to this website, as I am learning dynamic web development. Neocities only allows you to make static webpages, which makes all of that not work. I would like to use dynamic webpages just so I didn't have to copy paste large portions of html every time I make a new page, but then they would be allowing less genuine uses of the site along with being less nostalgic. Like sure, dynamic webpages allow you to automate large portions of website generation, but it also allows you to execute code unrelated to running a website. With a company like Amazon where you are renting out your own computer, this is fine, whatever you run only affects the machine you're paying for. With Neocities, it's highly likely that multiple webpages are running all on the same server, and being able to execute a python script could allow you to obtain information you shouldn't have access to, control other people's webpages, or even worse, hijack the neocities site itself. Realistically, it would be much harder to do that than I'm making it sound, but neocities doesn't really have the funds or manpower to recover if an incident like that were to occur.
March 21 2023
Welp, I just made my first actual content for the website today. I am shocked I managed to get this far. I've procrastinated on making this site for far too long, so it feels great to finally get something done. It's a little basic, but I like basic, and more importantly it looks equally basic on computer and phone. A lot of the people I know in real life only have phones so making sure as many people as possible can see what I write is more important than the aesthetic, at least in my opinion. I'm not sure where I'm going to take this site in the future, I would like to put some more personal touches to it, maybe have a projects page where I show off cool stuff I'm working on, but I might want to just make the website more graphically pretty first, I don't know. For now I just want to fill this site with as many things as possible. I feel like the majority of sites on neocities don't have anything worthwile on them, they just kinda exist. I guess they don't really have to be worthwhile, after all a personal page can just mean a place for you to goof around and learn html with, and a lot of the people on this site are here to explicitly get away from the societal pressure to constantly work even in leisure time. For me, I'm just here because I think the medium of a personal site works better for the type of content I plan on making, long form ramblings about things I'm interested in in text form. I think the next review I want to write is going to be about a tabletop RPG. If you don't know what that is, don't worry I will go in-depth whenever I write it.